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The first step is to get your podcast up to Spotify For Podcasters monetization code. You can view that in the “money” tab online you in the app. Once you have we recommend you set up a Cash App or Step account, both of which you can set up if your over 13 with an adults help. They are also 100% free. Once set up follow Spotify for Podcaster’s steps to create a Stripe account. If you’re under 18 you will need your parents information, including their ID and Social Security Number. You MUST ask them before you do this or have them do this, do not use their id/ssn without permission. Once this is complete, it will take a few weeks or even months to get your first add, then make $10. Then you can cash out!’s’re


To keep your episodes engaging, try using background music and avoiding words like “umm” “err” “hmm” “uhh”. Make sure to always have something to talk about, it may help to have bullet points written out so you have a mild plan. Sometimes it also helps to keep the main point of the episode towards the end, like if you were comparing tacos v pizza, keep which one you think is better towards the end of the episode. If you want, try to include special guests to peak your listeners interest!

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Our advice

From experienced podcasters

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Digital footprint

It’s important for anyone under 18 that has a podcast to remember, that what you say and do could be heard by millions and remembered by thousands. So for example, don’t share sensitive information like “my to nails are big” (we know it’s a funny example), because even if you delete the episode, hundreds of people may still make fun of you.

Audio quality

Although It’s easy to record a podcast with your phone or tablet, the audio quality isn’t amazing. But that’s ok, if your just starting Spotify For Podcasters has an audio enhancement feature for noise reduction! Also remember to record in a quiet place with minimal background noise. Having good audio quality can make your podcast way better!

This ad slot could be yours

You can purchase this add to advertise your podcast, which is a great way to grow your show!

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Pinned by editors

Copyright awareness

Spotify does have copyright rules, but for podcasters, it’s less clear. To avoid your show being removed from Spotify and other platforms, we suggest using copyright free music. And not playing copyright music I. The background of your show.

You may be able to play short clips of music on your podcast, which is fare use.

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Most positive feedback

Quality over quantity

You’ve probably heard it so many times that it’s annoying. BUT IT’S TRUE!! NO one and I mean NO ONE wants to listen to 10 episodes per day if they aren’t good quality. Spend time thinking and planning your episodes before you hit record.

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Use interaction tools

Using was to interact with your listeners is a great way to keep them entertained! On Spotify for Podcasters you can add QNA’s and Polls, both are fun ways to build a relationship and get a sense of your audience.

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Spotify for Podcasters

Wondering how to start a podcast? Use Spotify for Podcasters. It’s an easy website/app that allows you to make a podcast and distribute it on every major platform!

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Growing your show

Wondering how to grow your show? Here are some tips: post consistently (in line with your schedule), advertise on social media, share with your friends/family, and collaborate with other podcasts. Do not ask for shoutouts, as it will likely bring listens to your show, but not faithful listeners.

The community

We have a wonderful community of podcasters that are kids and teens! We welcome everyone into it as long as you are kind, don’t start drama, and don’t hate on other podcasters. Making rude episodes is not a good thing to do and it makes you sound very unprofessional and hateful

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Online privacy

If you’re under 18, it’s important to stay safe when you podcast. You should never share your location, personal contact info, passwords, or even your last name. Although it’s a parental/personal choice to show your face.

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